United Heroes League is excited to be invited to take part in the
MN Wild Military Appreciate Night!
UHL Needs your help! We will need to get about 30 volunteers (parents & children) that can come and help sell programs during the game on Thursday, November 14th at the Xcel Energy Center.
All volunteers are paired as a group of 6 at a station. You will be letting attendees know what UHL does and selling MN Wild programs from when the doors open until the end of the 1st intermission. Then you are welcome to stay and watch the game from standing room only areas. This offer does not include tickets. If you are energetic and love what UHL does we really would appreciate your help. This will require you to arrive early around 5pm that day.
Fill out the form below to apply to give us a helping hand! We will have UHL Jerseys for you to wear while selling so be sure you note your size! Thank you in advance for your support!
This opportunity is no longer available. Please visit our website for future opportunities.