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The Justin Morneau Ice Fishing Classic will benefit
United Heroes League!
Hunter’s Point Resort, 5436 479th St, Isle, MN 56342. 320-676-3227.
Reservations are expected to sell out by early January.
Any questions about the fishing event please call Jay Lorek, UPS 612-718-7523.
All proceeds of the event will go directly to the 501c3 non-profit United Heroes League. UHL helps military families heal, build friendships, and engage in their communities through sports.
Door Prizes!
In addition to the fish category prizes, United Heroes League will be giving away dozens of fabulous door prizes at this event.
To receive a free door prize entry, stop into the bar at Nitti’s Hunters Point Resort located at 5436 479th St., Isle, MN 56342 between 9:00-11:00 AM of February 4th, 2023 to complete your form for a free entry.
Competition Rules!
United Heroes League Ice Fishing Tournament
2024 Rules (Subject to change)
- The Tournament is scheduled for February 3rd, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Mille Lacs Lake, at Nitti’s Hunters Point. Contestants are allowed to fish the entire lake of Mille Lacs and you may fish from your shelters and wheel houses. All fish must be caught by hook and line. No spears will be allowed.
- We will have four fishing categories. The 4 categories are Walleye, Northern Pike, Perch, and an All Other category such as ( Sunfish and Tullibee.) NO BASS/BURBOT WILL BE ACCEPTED. We will award prizes for the top 5 fish caught in each category that will be determined by the largest weight registered. In the event of a tie, the first fish registered takes priority.
- Each person will be allowed to fish two lines per ticket, two lines maximum. You may register up to 2 fish but they must be in different categories. Tournament anglers are eligible for two fishing prizes and one door prize. There is no age requirement for tournament participation.
- Contestants must fish on Mille Lacs Lake and will be required to show their tickets at the time of weigh-in.
- All fish entered must be brought to the judge’s stand immediately and every effort must be made to keep the fish alive. Frozen fish are ineligible. Judges shall have the right to verify that fish were legally caught. The decision of the judge is final. All prize winners may be required to be interviewed by the DNR or take polygraph exams as part of contest requirements. In the event deception is detected or the contestant refuses to take the exam, his/her prize will go to charity. Contestants are responsible for verification of weight of fish at the time of weigh-in. When the head judge deems the leader board correct, there will be an inspection period for all contestants to view the board and put forth any comments. After that time, the board will be “official” and no changes will be made.
- Contestants and their fish must be in the weigh station line by 4:00 p.m. No exceptions Judges rule will be final.
- Contestants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times.
- All laws of the State of Minnesota will be abided by for Mille Lacs Lake.
Northern Pike: Beginning May 14, 2023 through March 31, 2024, all northern pike greater than 30 inches must be immediately released. Limit of three
Cisco (tullibee): Possession limit is five.
Smallmouth Bass:(We will not accept any Bass/Burbot of any kind for this tournament)
Burbot (Eelpout): All burbot must be immediately released. (Will not accept any Burbot)
Walleye: Beginning Dec. 1, 2023, through Sunday, Feb. 27, 2024, possession limit is one walleye between 21-23 inches or one fish longer than 28 inches. All other walleye must be immediately released.
It is the fishermen’s responsibility to check current DNR rules for Mille Lacs Lake for all species as they may change after this release date of the rules.
- Prizes are the responsibility of the winners. Licensing, registration, transportation, taxes, and all incidental or consequential expenses incurred are the responsibility of the winners. Prizes must be claimed before the contestant leaves the ice, or no later than 6:00 pm on contest day. Door prizes that are awarded to people that are not present will be contacted by event coordinator to schedule a pickup at a later date.
- Please call (208)-818-1606 for handicap access information.
- Contestants are required to park in the areas provided. Watch for signs. Contestants are encouraged to carpool and use the buddy system.
- No spears allowed. Heaters, chairs, bait pails, depth finders are allowed. No licenses sold on the lake. The use of augers are allowed. Weighted lines without hooks or bait can be used to check depth prior to 8:30 a.m. No lines are allowed in the water from 8:31 a.m. to the start of the contest. Underwater Cameras are allowed.
- Failure to comply with any contest rules subjects contestants to disqualification and removal from competition site, as determined by contest officials. Right to refuse to sell and/or revoke a competition ticket to anyone is hereby reserved.
- The Hunters Point Leader Board will be located inside the tent. All efforts will be made to keep the board up to date and accurate. Tournament results remain unofficial until verified by the head judge. After head judge deems leader board accurate contestants will have time to verify the results after which the results will become official and uncontestable. Under no circumstances will the leaderboard become official and uncontestable before 4:30 pm on contest day.
- All contestants and others hereby consent to the use of any names, photographs or likenesses of themselves to be used in the promotion of our contest, including but not limited to print, radio, television or any other media.
- All fish registered will be immediately released at weigh-in area, unless the contestant wants to keep it. In which case the fish will be marked by tournament officials and remain the property of the contestant.
- Contestants are encouraged to have a bucket with water to save fish on the way to the weigh station.
- United Heroes League would like to thank you for supporting our efforts and request that you remove refuse, including cigarette butts, from the ice when you leave. Waste containers are provided.
- Remember this tournament is for charity and we have gone outside the normal guidelines from other tournaments, so please play by these rules and have fun!
- All prizes that are posted are subject to change without notice
- All participants hereby expressly and specifically assumes the risk of injury or harm during all activities and releases the United Heroes League and all Sponsors from all liability for injury, illness, death, or property damage resulting from these activities.
Click Flyer Below to Purchase Your Entry!