Tribute Donations To United Heroes League

Steven Johnson: In honor of Dennis Johnson

Anonymous: In honor of service member David Grengs and his lifelong love of youth sports.

The Player Intro Team: On behalf of Player Intro, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication and service. Your commitment and sacrifices inspire us all, and we deeply appreciate everything you do to protect and serve our country. Thank you for your unwavering bravery and strength.

Josh: A donation has been made by Matthew Muller in honor of Josh, a Combat Medic for the U.S. Army.

Pat Bianculli:  A donation has been made by Keeley Peltz in honor of Pat Bianculli:  “Thank You for everything you have done for us during this time! This is to honor you and the sport that you have grown to love because of your grandchildren’s passion and skills.”

Jayden Ellenbecker: A donation has been made from Karen Ellenbecker in honor of Jayden Ellenbecker.

Shanen Conway: Margaret Roehrich has made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Shanen Conway, Military Wife… “Shanen Conway is one of the most generous people I know.”

Lucas Yaffee:  A donation has been made by Laura Stuken in honor of Lucas Yaffee and his Bar Mitzvah. “He is an amazing hockey player. But most important a caring, wonderful child.”

Sean Michael Doyle: A donation has been made by Brian Christiansen in honor of Sean Michael Doyle, a passionate enthusiast and player of hockey and baseball.

Sgt. Bryan Opskar:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by the Princeton Youth Hockey Association in memory of Sgt. Opskar, who was killed 7/23/05 in Iraq.   Princeton Youth Hockey Association honors Bryan each year by hosting their Bryan Opskar Memorial Tournament.

Brian Harrison: Ty Harrison made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of his brother, Brian Harrison, USAF.

John Moran:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Thomas Gargiulo in honor of John Moran, Vietnam Vet.

Admiral Bill Fogarty and Steven Fogarty:  A donation has been made by Brian Fogarty:  “In Honor of Admiral Bill Fogarty” and “To Support the charity efforts of Steven Fogarty and ND Hockey.”

Owen Mackaman: Meredith Mackaman made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE: “In honor of Owen Mackaman my Wild hockey loving son!”

Fordham Hockey: The Coynes have made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE: “Thank you for supporting the Fordham hockey program. It is an honor to return the support.”

ND Hockey: A donation has been made by Michelle and Scott Meek In honor of ND Hockey’s Defending the Blue Line campaign!

The Harris Boys:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Colleen Shaw on behalf of the Harris boys, Michael, Jacob and Matthew.

Richard Jantz:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Catherine McCann in honor of Richard Jantz, US Army veteran and college hockey player.

Cade Lawson: Linda Lawson has made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Cade Lawson, Frisco, Texas.

Dean Markuson:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Elizabeth Markuson:  “Thanks dad for your involvement in the program. Happy belated birthday!”

Michelle Uher:  A donation has been made by Ed Uher in honor of Michelle Uher.

MN BMO Harris Banking Team:  A donation was made by Patricia Hollier in Honor and Memory of Family and Friends of MN BMO Harris Bank Business Banking Team.

Rich Curadi:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Peter Bradley in honor of Rich Curadi.

Matt Hendricks:  A donation has been made by William Trenter in honor of Matt Hendricks:  “I’m making this donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE as it is a worthy cause and also because it is backed by Matt Hendricks. If Matt is involved, it has to be a great organization!”

T. J. Crowley:  Erin Crowley has made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of T.J. Crowley.

Sean Routt:  A donation has been made by Alice Conover in honor of Sean Routt.

Carissa Gorman:  A donation has been made by Shanen Conway:  “Happy Birthday to Carissa Gorman. We are donating in her honor.”

Mike Allen:  A donation has been made by Laura Brager in honor of Mike:  “My brother in law and devoted hockey dad.”

Jason Corriere:  A donation has been made by Brady Corriere in lieu of a Christmas gift:  “At the request of my brother, Jason Corriere. Hopefully giving back in a small way is a big help!”

Peter Savino:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Andrew Gutterman in honor of Peter Savino.

Hutchins:  A donation has been made by Donna McKelvey in honor of Jason, Lili & Eli Hutchins.

Dan Carlton:  A donation has been made by Zachary McClelland:  “Merry Christmas Dan! My donation in honor of your love of hockey and respect and future service in the Armed Forces. All the best! -Zack”

Bill Krey:   A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Andrea Schieffert: In honor of “Grandpa Bill Krey who continues to dangle, snipe and celly at the young age of 71!”

Justin Benes: A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Cara Benes for her nephew Justin: “He has a true love for hockey and baseball and I am making this donation as part of his Christmas gift.”

Phillip M. Gerhardt US Army:  A donation has been made by Anne Marie Sweeney in honor of Phillip M. Gerhardt US Army – Iraq and Afghanistan War.

Robin Vizenor:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Rachel Anderson in honor of Robin Vizenor

Paul Sutherland & Stephanie Tomasso:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by John Michaels in honor of Paul Sutherland & Stephanie Tomasso

Ethan’s Birthday:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made by Brodey & Brodey Landscape in honor of Ethan’s Birthday

Ian Sokolowski:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Dian and Mike: So proud of our nephew, Ian, for his commitment and love of his sport!

Kaysun Corporation:  A tribute donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made by Kaysun Corporation in Manitowoc, Wisconsin

Jason Hutchins:  A donation has been made by Todd and Karen Builione in honor of United Heroes League East Coast Director of Operations, Jason Hutchins

Roger Albright:  A donation has been made by Victoria Zajack in honor of Roger Albright.

Scott Lindgren:  A donation has come in TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Scott Lindgren’s 50th birthday – a long time youth hockey coach in Massachusetts. Donors are Steve Gordon and Deb Wittes.

Pat Wiley:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Pat Wiley by Wendy Larsen.

Scott Fischmann:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been received from Laura Miller: “This donation is in honor of my wonderful classroom volunteer, Scott Fischmann. He has been a tremendous help this year! He is an avid hockey player, and he loves the game. Thank you Scott!”

Peter Weiss:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Peter Weiss by an anonymous donor.

Trey Jay:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made in honor of Trey Jay of Blaine, Minnesota by the Apex Fire Services: “From an Ohio State Buckeye fan to a Minnesota Gopher fan family and a parent that served in the Navy…here’s to hoping that the sport of hockey can spread to all of the kids of the parents defending the red, white and blue.”

EP girls U-10 B Black coaching staff:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by the team parents: “In honor of our top notch EP girls U-10 B Black coaching staff, Dan Trebil, Jeff Holt, Mike Fryar, and Leslie Goergen.”

Lauren:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made by Brendan Whitford in honor of his wife, Lauren:  “I was married to my beautiful wife, Lauren, on 3/6/15 and in lieu of favors we wanted to donate to a great cause such as yours. Thank you and keep up the great work.”

Alex:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made by Andrea Paulson in honor of son, Alex:  “The strongest Mite I know”.

John Wallin,  a Vietnam Veteran:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Laurie Knodel:  “In honor of my “brother-in-law” John Wallin, a Vietnam Veteran”.

Nancy J. Stella:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Louis Stella in honor of Nancy J. Stella, A hockey mom!

Aaron Wilson:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made in honor of Aaron Wilson, “A True Patriot and Super Dad”, by Philip Murphy.

Soldiers:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made by Libby Henry:  “In honor of my brother, sister, brother in law, nephew and many other relatives who have served – this is what I can do for all of those who have and currently do serve.”

Tom Giovine:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE:  Happy Birthday Tom – from an anonymous donor.

Jeanne Barrett:  A donation has been made in honor of Jeanne Barrett, mother of our good friend and neighbor Pat Barrett who loves playing hockey with his kids – Becky Debol

Robin Vizenor:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Robin Vizenor of Minnesota. Robin has served and now is home alone with her son while her husband is serving overseas. – Mark Anderson

Josh Petzel:  Donating on behalf of Josh Petzel for all that he does for this awesome cause. Love, Cooper

Jason Valento:  Donated in behalf of Jason Valento – Gina Jermasek

Chris and Jolene Sather:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Chris and Jolene Sather by John Thurmes.

Howard Smith:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Howard Smith our Bantam team’s head coach who is a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer – South Hills Amateur Hockey Association (SHAHA), Bantam 3

In Honor of Ethan Kitzman:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Ethan Kitzman by Gregory Kitzman

In Honor of Bill Conroy, M.D:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Bill Conroy, M.D. — a hockey player, a hockey coach, a hockey Dad, and a hockey fan!

In Honor of Fritz Arnason, M.D:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Fritz Arnason, M.D. — the ultimate hockey Dad!!!!!! Merry Christmas.

In Honor of the Children of our Nation’s Heroes:  In lieu of a Holiday Grab Bag this year, the 16 players from the North Jersey Avalanche Pee Wee A Blue team decided to contribute $10 each TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE. Their head coach, Todd Johnson, also discussed with them the purpose of United Heroes League and how their donation would benefit the children of our nation’s heroes this holiday season.

In Honor of Jason Hutchins:  Donations have been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Jason Hutchins:

  • Happy Birthday! Love, Rachel, Lily, Eli, Mom, Dad, Ed, Lisel, Cassie and Ann.
  • A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Jason Hutchins: Merry Christmas! Love The Murphy’s

In Honor of Gary Stevenson:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Gary Stevenson by Stephanie Goese.

In Honor of John Paris Jr:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of John Paris Jr. – for his advice and for all he has done for the sport of hockey. – Melissa Machlitt

In Honor of Gordon A. Stansberry:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Gordon A. ‘Joe’ Stansberry by Allison Shultz

In Honor of Ethan Beane:  Ad donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Ethan Beane by Kille Knobel

In Honor of Ethan Lenner:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Ethan by Eileen B Horowitz – Happy Bar Mitzvah!

In Honor of Alex and Kristina Lindemann:  Alex and Kristina were recently married and instead of giving out favors at their wedding, they decided to donate to a good cause, United Heroes League.  “We both love hockey and so appreciate our nation’s heroes!” – Alex and Kristina Lindemann

In Honor of Sean Muller:  In honor of Sean Mullen and his family, worthy of more praise and honor than I could ever give. – Robert Martin

Miles Owen Eakins, USN:  Donating TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE for my ice bucket challenge.

In Honor of Nick S:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Nick S. – Justin Schwantes

In Honor of Nana and Poppy:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE on behalf of Nana and Poppy, who love hockey and love our troops! – Genevieve + Andrew Weeks

In Honor of Dr. Harry “Doc” Brown:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Dr. Harry “Doc” Brown from Sara Clark

In Honor of Ben Mattson:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Ben Mattson.  “In tribute to a great friend, Ben!!” – Ed Berg.

Tribute from Shandi Buck:  “This donation is in honor of the tremendous amount of support I got of retweeting a tweet on twitter. I am hoping this money will go to deserving families to get the dream to play hockey.”

In Honor of Cody Lee and Eric Kuster:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Cody Lee and Eric Kuster by Ashley Birdsall

In Honor of Hannah Jones:  Donation in honor of Hannah have come in from:

  • A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Hannah Jones 6th Birthday by Kerry Mahoney.
  • A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Hannah Jones 6th birthday by Meghan Howard.
  • A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Hannah Jones by Steven Finck.
  • A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Hannah Jones by Raphael Wallander.
  • A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Hannah Jones’ 6th Birthday by Anika Fortin.

In Honor of Hockey Mom, Nancy King:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE as a Mother’s Day gift for my hockey mom (and Pittsburgh Penguins #1 Fan) Nancy King. Happy Mothers’ Day! – Megan King

In Honor of Dan Trebil, Mike Garvin, Aimmee Wagner, Jeff Holt, Noel Karl and Mike Fryar:  The Eden Prairie girls hockey team 8U IM#4 has had the great fortune of having several fantastic coaches. In lieu of a more traditional coaches gift, we are making a donation in their names. – EP 8U Girls Team “Golden Gophers”

In Honor of William Patrick McDonald:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of William Patrick McDonald.
“My Grandfather was WWII navy veteran and former Eveleth,MN goalie. He was a major force in youth hockey in the state of Minnesota. He passed away May 4, 2013” – Kristin Savaloja

In Honor of John Walton and Wes Johnson:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in Honor of John Walton and Wes Johnson, Washington Capitals play-by-play and arena announcers by Steve Goldstein

In Honor of Joe Tallmadge:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Joe Tallmadge, RPI season ticket holder and patriot…he continues to support at every level – Denise Curadi

In Honor of Logan DeFreitas:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Logan DeFreitas by Johan Rindegard

In Honor of Daryl Williamson:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Daryl Williamson. Merry Christmas. – Nancy Seaberg

In Honor of Leah Krouse:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor Leah Krouse and her work with United Heroes League – Marcia Spanier

In Honor of Bttl Cmdr. Josh Simer and family:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Bttl Cmdr. of 1-194 AR (CAB) Josh Simer + Kelly Simer and family – Michael Fedor

In Honor of the Brunswick School Varsity Ice Hockey Team and Coaches:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made in honor of the Brunswick School Varsity Ice Hockey Team and Coaches 2013-14 (Greenwich, Ct). A group of fine athletes, students and young men. – Pamela Sloan

In Honor of Jake Zimmerman:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made in honor of Jake Zimmerman. Happy Hanukkah! In your honor a donation has been made to an organization called United Heroes League, an organization that helps the children of our military members participate in hockey. – Audra Stern

In Honor of Matt Inman:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Matt Inman – Matthew Boris

In Honor of D.J. Baskin:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of D.J. Baskin – Elizabeth Johnson

In Honor of Gordon & Jan Olson:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made on behalf of Gordon & Jan Olson, of Woodbury MN. My parents have always been very generous and supportive of those in need, and love to watch my nephews play youth hockey. They will be proud and pleased to help give someone else the opportunity – Brian Olson

In Honor of Michael Reese:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Michael Reese – Lauren Boblick

In Honor of Brian Simmons:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in Honor of Brian Simmons, a loving, wonderful father, and brother (in-law) – Sarah Baker

In Honor of Matt and Liz Hefferman: A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made In Honor of Matt and Liz Hefferman – Boon Ooi

In Honor of Ricky Lind:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Ricky Lind: The Guyer family lost a very special hockey fan Ricky Lind – Laure Rockman

In Honor of Wes Huebert:  A donation was made in honor of Wes Huebert, a long time hockey fan – Dana Huebert Lima

In honor of Bryan Ruddle:  This gift is in honor of our son in law Bryan Ruddle – Terri Proud

In Honor of William J. Letourneau:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made from Mary J. Letourneau

In Honor of Leah Krouse and the Junior LA Kings Equipment Drive: Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE: Big Congrats to Leah and all the Junior Kings .. Awesome job .. SKS

In Honor of Boris Spokoiny:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Boris Spokoiny from Jason Foertsch.

In Honor of Emerson Jacobson:  Donation have been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE:

  • In honor of Emerson Jacobson’s bar mitzvah, congratulations! – Sally Shiekman-Miller
  • In Honor of Emerson’s Bar Mitzvah Congrats! – Katy & Adam
  • In Honor of Emerson Jacobson and his Bar Mitzvah from his friend Zander.

In Honor of Will Single:  Donations have been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Will’s 10th birthday from:

  • Harrison Denbo
  • Stacy Winick
  • Sarah Brophy
  • Colleen Kelly

In Honor of the Military, Family, and also In Honor of Leah Krouse:Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE: I would  like to honor our military for all they do for us! Also, honor my cousin, Leah Krouse who told me about your org. and who did an awesome job with her Bat Mitzvah, and my family for all they do! THANK YOU! – Laura Konopka

In Honor of Brent Burns “Brunzie’s Battalion”:  In Honor of Burnzie’s Battalion and all the work he does. – From SaSobek Reptiles and friends.

In Honor of Derek Boogaard:  This donation was in appreciation of his commitment to Defending the Blue line and for his Parents support of me wearing number 24 for the Minnesota Wild. – Matt Cooke

In Honor of Derek Boogaard:  Donation made in honor of Derek Boogaard & all of the others who succumb to depression and over medication. He was a joy to watch on the ice. Love the enforcers. – Craig Worrell

In Honor of Maria Mountain:  Maria Mountain is a great contributor to the sport of hockey and an even better person.  This contribution TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE is a tribute to her – Stephen Hudson

In Honor of Aimee Wagner:  Happy 40th Birthday Aimee! – The Theis Family

In Honor of Ed Berberian:  Happy Father’s Day, Dad – Cindi Porter

In Honor of Leah Krouse:  On June 2, 2013, Leah from California had a bake sale and collected gently used hockey gear in Redondo Beach. Leah did this for her Mitzvah Project to benefit United Heroes League.  Leah made $300 on the bake sale, received a lot of equipment, and through her advertising was able to get the word out about United Heroes League.

In Honor of Jay Erwin:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Coach (and Lt. Col!) Jay Erwin, USMC. Stay safe coach – Aaron Greene

In Honor of Aaron Greene:  

  • A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Aaron Greene’s Bar Mitzvah project – Chris Davies
  • A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in support of Aaron Greene’s (Rockville, MD) Bar Mitzvah service project for the men and women in the service and their families. Aaron Greene is a hard-working youth hockey player who has supported several charities for 911 victim’s families as well as United Heroes League.  I am happy to assist him in his valuable effort – Karl Kovacs IV
  • A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Aaron Greene on the celebration of his Bar Mitzvah. Mazel tov on the occasion of your Bar Mitzvah – Michael Massaro
  • A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE supporting Aaron Greene’s fundraising Bar Mitzvah project and a great cause!! – The Kennedy’s
  • A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Aaron Greene’s Bar Mitzvah – Joanne Goldblum

In Honor of Roxanne Gifford:  For being a supportive military spouse – Andrew Gifford

In Honor of Cody Ikkala:  A donation was made in honor of Cody Ikkala. Congratulations on your incredible accomplishments – Lynn C Brogan

In Honor of Neal Auricchio and Mike Janocko:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE to salute their lifelong hockey fandom. It’s the love of the game that matters, not the color of the jerseys we wear. We hope that this donation helps more kids continue to play & love the sport of hockey the way Neal, Mike, and all of us do. – Flyers fans Broad Street Hockey

In Honor Of The Kids:  In honor of kids who just want to play hockey – Lauren Cannady, Member of the North Carolina Army National Guard.

Tim Costello:  In honor of Tim Costello, former goalie, youth league coach and fan and promoter of the sport on his Birthday! – Christine Costello

Christmas 2012:  TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Leonard OlsonTribute Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE

  • David Frenkel
  • Vickie Renbarger
  • Gary Nystedt
  • My two children (who both love hockey) decided to give a portion of their holiday money to your charity – Grace Mauceri

In Honor of Dolores (Dee) Orr:  Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of  Dolores (Dee) Orr’s 70th birthday.

  • “I am honored to support United Heroes League in honor of my birthday” – Dolores Orr donated $70 in honor of her 70th birthday.
  • Dolores Orr’s 70th Birthday honoring her commitment to her family and country – John DeSantis
  • Happy Birthday Dolores! It’s a pleasure to celebrate with you by donating in your honor. Have a wonderful day and an awesome 70th year! – Cynthia Findell
  • Donation for Dolores’s 70th birthday – Rosemary Casey
  • Happy Birthday, Dee – Winnie Anderson
  • Happy Birthday, Dee – Sharon Stueve
  • Happy Birthday – Evelyn Delaney Rolph
  • Happy Birthday – Debra Rosset-Jensen

In Honor of Gordon Tucker:  You truly inspire me to be a better person everyday. We are so fortunate to have so many amazing things in our lives but, you have taught me the best things in life aren’t things. I love you to the moon and back- Happy Birthday! – Haley Hull

In Honor of Erik Homme:  Welcome Home! – Jennifer Duscher

In honor of The Mason Family:  Mason family Christmas donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE – Mary Jo Lewis

In Honor of Craig Bossong:  Donation made on behalf of, and in the name of Craig Bossong AKA @COUNSELOR33 from Michael Gross

In Honor of Colin Mandl-Ciolek:  Our gift is in honor of Colin Mandl-Ciolek’s 11th birthday- From Noelle Savarese

In Honor of Joey Hudella:  A donation was made for Joey as he skates with “Skate For The Troops 2”. Have a great time and win that suite – from Grandma U.

In Honor of John Kriesel: A donation was made in honor of John’s service. “Thank you, John Kriesel for your service to our country.”

Ashley C:  A donation was made in honor of military families. “There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for a friend.” (Romans 5:7) “Thank you for your love for this country because we are truly grateful for you regardless of what mainstream media says. I admire your sacrifices, your continuous “yes” to protecting us, and your hard work in balancing everything to maintain a happy family and a great career. I’m proud of you. Keep going. I stand behind you guys. I hold you in my prayers and will ask the Holy Family to intervene on your behalf that you may be relieved of your stresses and filled with continuous love.”

Memorial Donations To United Heroes League

Debra & James Campbell – In Memory of Elaine Dahlquist

Lynn Karls– In Memory of Elaine Pearl Dahlquist of Crosby, MN

Christine Martin– In honor of veterans who have died in 2024 of Agent Orange related diseases and/or are fighting for their lives due to Agent Orange.


Family of Sgt Christopher “CJ” Foster– On behalf of the Jason Los Foundation, we would like to donate in honor and memory of the of Sgt. Christopher “CJ” Foster, who passed away this December. The family would be honored to sponsor a military child unable to afford to play a sport in CJ’s name. Thank you so much

David Grengs: In memory of your service, dedication and your families’ involvement in youth sports.Robert LaChapelle: The following people have made a donation to UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Robert LaChapelle, a very kind man and great friend!

  • Carol LaChapelle
  • Doris and Myron Shrenkel
  • Mike and Maureen Hessler

Robert Koeppel:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Robert Koeppel by Carol Hopfenspirger:  “A wonderful family man who loved hockey.  He will be missed by many.”

Ann Pietrus Jacobsen:  The following people have made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Ann Pietrus Jacobsen:

  • Her Hudson High School Class of 1983 Classmates: Rest in peace,  Annie.
  • Elizabeth Husman
  • Not So Secret Sisters Navy Mom Group: Annie, you will be loved and missed.
  • Fair Winds and Following seas sweet sister.
  • Judy Williams

Robert Lisk Sr:  The following people have made a donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Robert Lisk Sr:

  • Ann Thacher:  My thoughts are with you Cari and Rob. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  • Beth Sims

Terry Sawchuk:  A donation has been made by Thane Tierney in honour of Terry Sawchuk: The LA Kings’ first goalie, a Hall of Famer, and an inspiration to a young boy.

Randall M. Scott:  Donations have been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Randall M. Scott by:

  • Robin Pelton – You have left a piece of yourself in everyone you knew. You will be forever missed.
  • Glen Lyons
  • Jack Beukema – Thank you for your dedication and coaching to youth hockey.
  • Alan Kikuyama – I was so glad to have visited with Randy and Sandy at a chance meeting at Renwood Winery last year.  He left us with much dignity.
  • Jack Beukema – Thank you for your dedication and coaching to youth hockey.
  • Tonya Tays
  • Rob and Susie Harper – A truly great guy with a heart of gold and a smile that lit up the world.
  • Zachary Doolan – Great cause on Randy’s behalf to keep kids off the streets and on the ice!
  • L. Brunner Hetland
  • Robert Burke
  • Sheri Hillis

Harvey Dean:  A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made by Susan Dean in memory of Harvey Dean.

Col. Joseph Pexa:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by Joseph Chamberlin in memory of Col. Joseph Pexa.

Dr. Richard Norby:  Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Dr. Richard Norby have been made by:

  • Amy Binkowski – Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family during this very difficult time. It is never easy to lose a loved one, but I firmly believe that they are always with us in our hearts and in the memories that we have of them.
  • Joseph Thro
  • Elizabeth Cliffe – Dick was a wonderful friend to my mom Ann, and dad Skip at Waverly Gardens. I will remember his warm smile, kind heart, stories about being a hockey captain, and the colorful patients he tended to in Cleveland.
  • Steven Kirsch
  • William “Bill” Irving
  • Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE have been received in memory of William “Bill” Irving:
  • Paul Wm McKenna Jr: “We miss you Bill!”
  • Mayewski Family:  “In memory of a great leader and mentor to our kids.”

Mark Peterson:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Mark Peterson, a man who passed on his love of hockey to his two sweet daughters. – Ethan Cantor

Sgt. Bryan Opskar:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Sgt. Opskar by the Princeton Youth Hockey Association. Every year, the Princeton Youth Hockey Association holds a special event in honor of Sgt. Bryan Opskar, who was killed 7/23/05 in Iraq. The donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE was raised by their tournament. People that come to this tournament purchase a puck. In between periods they throw the pucks on the ice from the stands and the one that is closest to the middle blue circle on the red line wins half the pot. This year the Princeton Youth Hockey Association chose United Heroes League to receive the other half because they wanted to do something special in memory of Sgt Bryan Opskar, due to his love for the game of hockey.

“Bryan was a natural on the ice from the beginning and was fortunate to skate with most of the same players from ice mites through high school. He was part of several successful teams. After graduating From High School in 1991, Bryan played two years of junior hockey, with the Tri Metro Whalers from Anoka then the Kings of Fargo-Moorhead . He was then recruited to play for Concordia College in Moorhead in 93-94. Bryan was described by his coaches there as a hard-nosed, disciplined player, who practiced the hardest and led by example– an excellent team player. In 1998 Bryan joined the Marine Corp. He was stationed in Twenty-Nine Palms, CA for four years, during which time he did two deployments to Okinawa, Japan and then the Iraq invasion in March of 2003. In 2004 he re-enlisted and moved to Camp LeJeune, NC. He Married Leandra, the love of his life, on December 31, 2004. On March 5, 2005, he deployed to Iraq assigned to the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force. Bryan was killed in action on July 23, 2005 while conducting combat operation near Ar Rutbah, Iraq. Bryan loved the game of Hockey. Princeton Youth Hockey Association honors Bryan each year by hosting their Bryan Opskar Memorial Tournament and Princeton High School Hockey honor Bryan each year with the award appropriately called the UNSUNG HERO AWARD, each year this award is given to the player on the Boys Hockey Team who leads by example without glorifying himself. Quiet but willing to do his job without question and will do what is needed without hesitation for his teammates and coaches.” – Princeton Youth Hockey Association

Vincent Compitiello:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Vincent Compitiello, who passed away at age 11. – Elizabeth Gaffin.

JP Parise:  It is with a heavy heart that we learn of the passing of Jean-Paul Parise. “JP” has been an integral part of the United Heroes League family for many years. He has served on our Board of Directors for three years, and was currently active on our Board of Legends – Shane Hudella, president and founder of United Heroes League

In lieu of flowers, the family of JP Parise has requested that memorials be directed TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE, a cause dear to J.P.’s heart..

Richard Stephens:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE In loving memory of Richard Stephens, loving father and hero to son Matt – Nicole Kimbrough

Scott Olson:  Donations have been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of Scott from:

  • We extend our sincere sympathy to Scott’s family – Audrey Stein and Dale Levine
  • Colorado Allergy and Asthma Centers has made a donation in memory of Scott, who volunteered his time as a youth referee.
  • In memory of Scott Olson, who tirelessly worked to support the United Heroes League organization in the Dallas/Fort Worth area – Don Fritschel

J. Michael Duffy:  Obituary:  “J. Michael Duffy, devoted father, grandfather and husband died on Wednesday October 15, 2014 in Harwich, MA after a courageous battle with cancer. His daughters were by his side. He was 72.  In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Defending the Blue Line.”

  • United Heroes League would like to express their thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Mr. Duffy and to say thank you for helping to support the military children who want to play hockey.
  • Donations in honor of J. Michael Duffy have come in from:
  • The Murphy Family
  • Karen Moore
  • Deirdre Greelish
  • Patricia Barrington
  • Becky and Bob Coletta – “Mike loved watching his grandsons play hockey, and would hope that others can experience the game while their parents are serving our country.”
  • Lawrence Bennett – “Mike Joe Duffy Rest in Peace my friend I will miss you.”
  • Joanne Leone

WO1 Sean Mullen:  Sean was a great person, leader and friend.  He challenged everyone he met to fulfill their potential and to work for the greater good.  The world is bereft with his passing, but he will be remembered with love and smiles. – All of humanity

Richard Curadi:  The outpouring of memorials TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Richard has been amazing. Thank you to the Curadi family and to all who donated for supporting the military kids with their dreams of playing hockey. – United Heroes League

Vic ST. Martin:  The following donations have been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Vic St. Martin:

  • Vic was a hockey coach for many years and loved all hockey! – Bob & Chris Lewis
  • In memory of my dear brother, Vic St. Martin, who was noted to be by many, one of the best high school hockey coaches in the Twin Cities who died on 5/5/14. RIP dear Vic… – Jane Pomaville
  • Mr. Vic St. Martin was a hockey icon in the state of Minnesota, who recently passed away. He built the Tartan High School hockey program from the ground up. He loved hockey. – David Kangas
  • My brother Vic St Martin played, coached and loved hockey his whole life. He was well respected by his players and fellow coaches. He is missed by many and is loved by all his family. I  also want to mention Daniel Carlson III who recently died at age 24….one of his great loves was hockey…he played every week. Also will be missed by so many. – Kathy Kopka
  • Tim Pomaville donated in memory of Vic St. Martin

Irene J. Giannetti:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE by the Olenick family in honor of Irene J. Giannetti.

Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE:  In loving memory of my brother and to all of those who serve. – David Bivolcic

Joseph David Smith:   A donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE has been made in memory of our dear nephew who loved loved working with kids and teaching them hockey and was a big supporter of the military and its families. – Melody Haakenson

Stephanie Bennett – Devils Superring Goalie:  Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE have been made in memory of Stephanie Bennett from:

  • Thank you for keeping the puck out the net for all for all of these years. Rest in peace. – Chris Hanson
  • In memory of Stephanie Bennett. – Martha Cianchette
  • Stephanie was a good goalie, player and person, and will be missed. – Peter Benson

Conrad Petzel:  Donations TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Conrad Petzel have come in from:

  • John Kunnari
  • Adam Carter – In memory of Conrad Petzel, an overall great guy and fan of hockey
  • Erik Petzel – In memory of Conrad Petzel, my uncle, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a hockey fan and supporter of youth hockey. You’ll always be remembered.
  • Chris and Amy Nylander
  • Marilyn Anderson
  • Annette Savage
  • Christine Donnelly – In Honor of our dear friend Conrad Petzel. We will miss you dearly buddy! ~ Your Friends at Tradition Wealth Management
  • Cal Anderson – In honor of Conrad A Petzel From JJ Taylor of Minnesota
  • Nicole Cleland
  • Zeke Berg
  • Ross Buchanan
  • Christine Johnston
  • Jill DuLac
  • E. Michelle Drake
  • John Thurmes
  • Russel and Geraldine Geerdes
  • Dentistry for Children & Adolescents
  • Nancy Eckman
  • Amy Andersen
  • Lois Butterfield
  • Rich Halvorson
  • Carol Ransome
  • Laura Ramme Giertsen
  • Matthew Isaacson
  • In memory of Conrad Petzel. You will be missed. With love, your Target Friends: Mark S., Brandon B., Ray B., Sandy E., Lara & Kurt K., and Rick & Holly S.
  • Tessa Adams
  • From the Gladys Skoe Barron family in memory of her nephew, Conrad Petzel. He is in God’s loving hand’s and with Bena and Stan. God’s Blessing to his family from Aunt Gladys, cousins Cathy (Barron) Hagen, Lee Barron, and Darby Barron.
  • Craig Wait
  • Robert Gandrud
  • Therace Risch
  • Anthony Westendorp – JP (Hornet), what a great photo of you and your Dad…I will always remember how proud he was of you and how much love, laughter and happiness he brought to so many of us that were blessed to know him. Our love and prayers go out to you and family on this day. God Bless!
  • Jenny, you and your family are in our prayers. Jim, Sarah, Christopher, Stephen and Ivy Jacobs
  • Linda and Greg Olson
  • Heidi Bellefy
  • Jim, Deb, Sam and CC
  • Brenda Seidl – Our deepest sympathies. Rest in peace Conrad.
  • Debb and Doug Storsved
  • Christie Anderson
  • Elizabeth Kostelc
  • Janet Sanderson – Our love to all the Petzels. We have fond memories of hours spent watching our boys play the sport they still love!
  • Daniel Carroll
  • Cynthia Carlson
  • Kim Pham, John Lamberta and Colleen Turbak
  • Scott Beuning
  • Gregory Canfield – Thanks for the ride Love you Rads!
  • Sheila Dols
  • Ted and Sara Sampsell-Jones
  • Dale, Carole, Todd, Willie, and Tommy
  • Blake Kloeckner
  • Chad Boettcher

Derek Boogaard:  Donation made in honor of Derek Boogaard & all of the others who succumb to depression and over medication. He was a joy to watch on the ice. Love the enforcers. – Craig Worrell

Edward Mathews:  I am sending a monetary donation collected during an equipment drive for United Heroes League at Wesco Sports, Brookfield, CT.  I would like these donations to be made in honor and memory of WWII Vet Edward Mathews, former owner of Wesco Sports, whose son, Doug Mathews now owns. – Kris Klemm (Kris Klemm has been doing an awesome job of collecting donations and equipment for United Heroes League for over a year now. United Heroes League would like to thank this young man for his dedication to helping military children play hockey).

Derek Boogaard:  A donation was made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in appreciation of Derek Boogaard’s commitment to Defending the Blue Line and for his Parents support of me wearing number 24 for the Minnesota Wild. – Matt Cooke

Ed Mathews:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Ed Mathews – Wesco Sports 270 Federal Rd, Brookfield CT

Susan Huckle:  A donation has been made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of Susan Huckle by Robert Huckle.

Gumper:  In memory of Gumper – Keri Cotton

Captain Dario Lorenzetti:  In memory of Captain Dario Lorenzetti (75th Ranger Regiment), who died in service to our country on October 13, 2013 in Qandahar Province, Afghanistan. May he rest in peace, and may we never forget his example of bravery, commitment to doing good and the fundamental American values he died defending. – Pamela Sloan

Lucas John Volker:  In memory of our son, Lucas John Volker. He was 36 years old and in the Army from May 1997 to May 2000.  He was killed in a work related pipeline accident Sept 9, 2012, in North Dakota.  He was very proud of his Service in the Army – JoAnn Volker

Jack Etzel:  Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in memory of my uncle, Jack Etzel -Darcie Miller

Wendell Paul Quinn:  We have asked that memorial donations for Wendell Paul Quinn be directed to Defending the Blue Line.  Wendell was an avid hockey fan and had great respect for those that served in the military. He passed away unexpectedly last month – Jacki Englehardt and the Quinn Family

Donation made TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Carol Truhon

Kym Andrews:  Jeremiah 29:11 “Cancer Sucks…Hope Does Win!” Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE in honor of my wife, Kym, who passed away in April of Cancer at the age of 45 – Chris Andrews

Jim Wass:  I wanted to make a donation for Father’s Day in honor of my amazing Dad, Jim Wass. Jim was a Vietnam Veteran who proudly volunteered for the VFW and Wounded Warriors Foundation. My Dad gave me the love of sports from an early age and I recently started playing hockey.  I thank him for providing me the passion and courage to start a new sport and enjoy the game. Thank you to Defending the Blue Line for providing children with the same opportunities that my Dad provided me – Shannon Wass

Melvin F. Rabine:  1919 – 2011 –  WWII 1943 -1946:  Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from the memorials received by the Melvin Rabine family: “In memory of our husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and great-great grandfather”. We love you and we are going to miss you!

  • Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Elroy Utpadel and Family: “In honor of Melvin Rabine”.
  • Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Bill and Joyce Kalkman: “In memory of Melvin Rabine”.
  • Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Tim and Sherry Kiefer: “In memory of Melvin Rabine”.

Mike Kabealo:  Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Courtney Kabealo: “In memory of my father, Mike Kabealo”.

John Shear:  My donation is in memory of my first student pilot…John Shear. John graduated pilot training with honors and was selected to fly the A-10.  John served with distinction and bravery. He died while flying the A-10 for the United States of America – Ray C. Schulte, Jr. Major USAF (retired)

Ben Otradovec:  Donation made as an honorarium in memory of Ben Otradovec from Bob Clark.

William J. Letourneau: Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Mary Letourneau in memory of William J. Letourneau:

Johnny F. Ridings:  Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Janet Ridings in memory of Johnny F. Ridings: “Loved the game of hockey, was a veteran of the Vietnam era, passed away 9/28/76, loving husband and father.”

Nick Golz: Donation TO UNITED HEROES LEAGUE from Linday Golz in memory of Nick Golz, WWII. “Thank you, veterans for your service.”