Pro Camps, a Nationwide youth sports program, has generously offered slots at their day camps for military children to honor all that they sacrifice. They have fantastic camps all over the country! For more information on this great program click on this link to view their website. https://www.procamps.com/
These are one day camps that are taught by the Camp Host and Coaches. They pride themselves on ensuring that camp is not simply an “athlete appearance.” The comprehensive camp experience is great for athletes of all skill levels, whether they are new to the game or have been playing for years. Individual and team awards will be given in each age group. We are committed to providing your child with the experience of a lifetime.
Each attendee will receive:
♦ A limited-edition Camp Host Player ProCamp t-shirt
♦ Instruction from Team Players
♦ Food after camp
♦ A team photo with Camp Host Player
If you are located in one of these regions and have a dependent between the grades of 1st and 8th, is available, and interested in attending one of these day camps, please fill out the form below to apply for one of the available slots and select the camp you prefer to have them attend.
Current Amazing Camp opportunities for our Military Families:
- Dawson Knox Football Camp @ Nazareth University 9am-12pm – May 31 and June 1st (2DAY CAMP)
- Joe Mixon Football Camp @ James E. Taylor High School 9am-12pm – May 31st and June 1st (2DAY CAMP)
- Matt Olson Baseball Camp @ Parkview High School – June 16th 9am-12pm
You will receive an email notification if you have been selected to attend the event or not. Please be sure to fill out the narrative so we know a little about your family.